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Whether you’re hoping to enhance your current weight loss regimen or starting from scratch, a boost of fluids and vitamins from TopDoc Miami

Our weight loss IV drip is full of vitamins and nutrients that can target fat, jump-start your metabolism and help your body function better. All leading to optimal health and wellness

Our weight loss drip package features key ingredients to aid your body’s natural processes to enhance and maximize your wellness package

IV fluids are the ultimate hydration tool. Dehydration is one of the main reasons people feel fatigued and unmotivated, so ensuring you’re hydrated is the first step in maintaining your weight loss plan.

This collection of essential vitamins puts your brain in high gear. Healthy levels of vitamin B complex can boost your mood and memory while engaging your brain in breaking food down into energy.

Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is what keeps your body functioning at the cellular level. As you age, you need to take in more vitamin B12 to maintain healthy levels and keep your metabolism going.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a key part of how your body burns fat. It also works with the adrenal gland, which manages your stress responses and fatigue levels.

Taurine can help you focus your energy where you need it to be and may help increase your endurance.

MIC stands for methionine, inositol and choline — three essential lipotropic nutrients that aid in fat breakdown and metabolic processes to get your body functioning at its optimal level.

Top Doc also offers a number of extra add-on boosters, including extra shots of vitamins, amino acids, NAD+ and certain medications. Be sure to ask about them during your session to customize a package that is right for you.

Call a patient care coordinator today and start your health and wellness journey to looking and feeling the best version of you 305-4-TOPDOC

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